Tuesday, January 20, 2009

19/365 - Preparing for the Inauguration

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

19 dated

Today's lesson was devoted to tomorrow's inauguration, not just the details of the transfer of Presidential power, but also the historical significance of this inauguration.  Since today is MLK Day we talked about Martin Luther King, Jr. and the role he played in the Civil Rights Movement.  We listened to a portion of his "I Have a Dream" speech and the changes that have occurred over the last 45 years. 

We then moved on to reading about Barack Obama's life, family, and political background.  The kids did a couple of craft projects together while I read about the history of Presidential inaugurations, the inaugural process,and what the order of events will be tomorrow.  Noah is very excited about watching it with me. 

We finished up with both kids writing letters to the new President  which we will mail tomorrow.  Cooper asked me to spell each word for him..." Dear Barack Obama,  Tomorrow you will be the next President.  Love, Cooper".  Noah's letter was written completely on his own and he wrote that he was 9 years old, that he was excited about having a new President, and that he was going to watch the inauguration.  He also said that he hopes he will be able to help the soldiers and the economy and then he decided to attach a quarter "to help the economy".  Of course, Cooper had to do the same thing after he saw Noah's, but he only had a nickel.  :)


  1. That is such a great post. I listen to the complete "dream" speech from time to time and amazed that the civil rights "leaders" of today really don't seem to get what MLK jr was saying and use it to their political advantage. The Girl asked if we were going to do anything for MLK day and I really couldn't think of anything but you did a great thing...


  2. Oh my gosh...that is such a sweet story! What a wonderful thing for the kids to see....and you sound like a great teacher!
    Hope they enjoyed the inauguration!

  3. What a wonderful Mom and teacher you are! Great lesson and love the letters - especially him attaching a quarter to help the economy - so precious!
