Sunday, January 4, 2009

4/365 - Cleaning Day

Sunday, January 4, 2009

4 dated

Since Dwight has been off for so long for the holidays, we have been trying to cram a lot of fun into our "staycation" and not too much work.  Combine that with all the mess that comes with the Christmas gift explosion...let's just say that the house looked pretty rough.  Well today is the last day before he goes back to work and the cleaning just couldn't be put off any longer.  Bathrooms, bedrooms, carpets, counters....what a mess.  But after several hours and lot of elbow grease, the house looks and smells clean and fresh.  It's a lot of work, but it sure does feel good to have a clean house again.


  1. That photo reminds me that I need to do the same! lol We've been taking it easy over the holidays as well and really hadn't dealt with the mess from Christmas. We took down all the decorations yesterday and put them in the garage today and cleaned up our living room - though the rest of the house still looks rough. lol It feels so nice to have a clean house though.

  2. Hubby did that Saturday because he decided to invite adults over for game night. He cleaned the whole house while I slept til 11AM. It is nice to have a clean house.
